Interesting/Useful Resources

Here are some links that we hope you will find useful. Some of these resources may reflect a theological or doctrinal position a little different from our own. However, we believe that some diversity of opinion is healthy within any community, provided that it remains committed to the fundamentals of the Christian faith.

Please contact us with any comments, or with your suggestions for additional material that we can list on this page.

On this page

Blogs & Websites

Articles & Online Books


Blogs & Websites

  • Internet Monk  was a blog (no longer active but still available) for post-evangelicals – those seeking to escape the strait-jacket of American evangelicalism and return to a broader, more ecumenical church while remaining faithful to Christ and to Scripture
  • Equipped for Living exists “to communicate the timeless truth of the Bible to equip Christians to live as wholehearted followers of Jesus Christ”.
  • Christians in Science aim to show that it is possible to be both a committed Christian and a scientist. Their website contains many written and audio resources covering a range of scientific topics from a Christian perspective (and sometimes vice versa!)
  • TalkOrigins is a site that not only presents issues around the creation/evolution controversy from a mainstream scientific view, but also provides links to corresponding young earth / anti-evolution sites so that individuals can undertake a reasoned exploration of the facts and issues. It’s now looking a little dated
  • Desiring God contains a range of resources from the ministry of John Piper, the pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
  • Renovaré is an initiative dedicated to spiritual renewal, and was started by Richard Foster. Its website contains a range of resources for developing the spiritual life.
  • Mockingbird is directed towards those of an artistic inclination. American in origin, but much of it deals with issues that affect all of us in the West.

Articles & Online Books

  • is an excellent website, run by UCCF, the British support organisation for Christians at university, where many young people first encounter the Christian faith. It contains articles on many aspects of faith and its relationship to life and culture.
  • is a companion site to the above, but with a more theological slant
  • CCEL provides on-line access to a great many Christian classics from past centuries.
  • God and Nature magazine is published by a group of Christians in America active in the sciences, but its range of topics is wide enough to interest more than just scientists!
  • The Jubilee Centre, based locally in Cambridge, “seeks to connect the world of the Bible with the world of contemporary society”. Some of the papers and articles are a challenging read, but there’s a lot of worthwhile material here.
  • The “Desiring God” website (above) has a section devoted to on-line books
  • Yale University recently made available all the published works of Jonathan Edwards. He was a pastor in North America during the early 1700’s and was much involved in the widespread revivals that took place during those years.


  • Cranmer Hall in Durham hosts a podcast that aims to join the dots between theology, church, and the world.
  • The White Horse Inn is an American radio talk show featuring regular round-table discussions on faith, culture and apologetics.
  • Pete Enns hosts a website containing many podcasts orientated towards those with honest doubts about aspects of their Christian faith.
  • The Good Book Co. offers a range of mainly book-focussed podcasts for your listening pleasure.
  • (see above) also contains many podcasts as well as articles to read
  • Christian Audio both sells Christian audio books, and also provides links to podcasts and other free material
  • Sermons – we have some good local churches in Cambridge, many of whom publish their sermons online:
     Holy Trinity Church
     St Andrew the Great
     St Barnabas
     Vineyard church